Option 1: Learning Portal (Log In Required)
If you’d like to use the new SEU Learning Portal to log your participation in the live session and get your PDH, please visit https://myaccount.learnwithseu.com/learn/attendance-verification-for-12-11-2024-session (login required)
If you would like to request an SEU Learning Portal account, please create an account from the login page, or visit https://forms.gle/aPXEi994zbRb1kik8 and fill in your information. Please wait for your account information to log your participation in today’s course and access your PDH.
Option 2: Alternate Option (Attendance Verification Quiz)
Otherwise, please click on the link below to access the quiz and answer while viewing the session. Upon successful completion of the quiz, a copy of your PDH form will be sent to you by email for you to download/print your certificate. PLEASE WRITE DOWN THE ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION CODE AND CHALLENGE QUESTION IN CASE THE QUIZ TIMES OUT AND YOU HAVE TO RE-START.
December 11, 2024 – Guide to Understanding a Project Geotechnical Report
AUDIO CHECK: Please click Play for the video below to make sure that you can hear sound in your browser