Mum’s the Word – 2025 Engineering Ethics Update: Engineers’ Duty of Confidentiality (12:30pm – 1:30pm Eastern)
Learn new information in each session that you can put to immediate use.
Earn PDHs from technical and ethics sessions throughout the year.
During Remote Working protocols due to COVID, engineers can log in individually to live sessions.
Everyone in the office is covered for one low price.
Earn your PDH/CEU for license renewal with relevant content throughout the year by attending our live monthly sessions. SEU Core sessions are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month starting at 12:30 pm Eastern Time. SEU Supplemental sessions (including the SEU BIM Forum) are held 3-4 times per year on the 4th Wednesday of the month.
SEU subscriptions cover everyone in one office location. All attendees are eligible for PDHs under your SEU subscription and there is no additional charge for certificates.
If someone is going to be out of the office during a live session, or if a last minute meeting comes up – don’t worry – we record the SEU sessions, and make those recordings available to companies as part of their SEU subscription.
Eliminate the need to travel to earn PDHs. Your SEU subscription allows everyone in the office to participate in live and recorded sessions from the comfort of their own office (or home).
Specially geared group of recorded sessions to help your young engineers be productive more quickly.
We eliminate any risk to you – try it – if you are not happy, we’ll refund your money!
The SEU Resource Center included with your subscription incorporates additional helpful information for structural engineers, as well as recordings of all previous SEU sessions.
SE Solutions has gone through the approval process to provide PDHs in those states that pre-approve providers. These special states include Florida, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and North Carolina. SEU is also approved in Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania Code Officials / PA Uniform Construction Code), as well as for SECB Recertification.
We record each SEU session, and make those recordings available to companies with a current SEU subscription. If you have a last minute meeting and miss the live session, or want to go back and rewatch a session, you can access the recordings through the SEU Resource Center starting the Tuesday after the live session. If you’re behind on hours for your upcoming license renewal, you can go back in our library of sessions and watch a recording to earn those PDHs.
If you attend a live session, you do not have to take a quiz to receive credit for the session, unless your state requires verified attendance (New York and Florida). We do, however, recommend that all attendees complete either the in-session attendance verification quiz, or the “challenge question” attendance verification quiz the day after the session.
Some states do require that you complete an attendance verification quiz. In all cases, when watching a live session, we do recommend that you submit your signed attendance list to us as a verification of your attendance.
If you watch a recording of one of our live sessions, then you will need to complete a quiz in order to receive your PDH form. These quizzes are accessible from the SEU Session Library, on the session page, below the recording.
We believe that one of the benefits of SEU is the ongoing nature of the program. Rather than having to earn credits in a rush just before your license is up for renewal, you can spread these hours out over the year.
Working with the subscription model allows us the ability to offer sessions to you at a much lower per session fee.
If you do need a single session, or less than a full year subscription, contact us to discuss your options.
All Engineers in an office location are eligible to receive PDH based on the office subscription. This can be a combination of people viewing the session live or by recording. If you have engineers in a different office location, they would need to purchase their own office subscription, but would be eligible for the multi-office discount.
If you’d like to sign your company up for an SEU annual subscription, simply visit our signup form, or reach out to Lisa Willard or Brian Quinn by phone or email. You’ll have the option to pay for your subscription by Check, ACH Transfer, or Credit Card.
SEU is a program of SE Solutions, LLC. SE Solutions, LLC is not an educational institution, but rather provides continuing education to structural engineers.