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Increasing Your Efficiency With Revit Structure: New and Improved Features in Revit Structure 2014

Betsy Werra, EIT, Werra Consulting
April 23, 2014
Session Details

This SE University BIM Forum webinar, presented by Betsy Werra of Werra Consulting, addressed new and improved features in Revit Structure 2014. During the session, Betsy reviewed Revit Platform changes such as productivity enhancements, selection enhancements, schedules enhancements, split elevations, and temporary views. In addition, changes specific to Revit Structure were demonstrated, including improved positioning of beams and braces, join geometry ordering, and reinforcement enhancements.

Session Length: 1.0 hour

Current SE University subscribers can access the recording in their SEU Resource Center account. Please use the link below to view the session page in the SEU Session Library.