SEU, a program provided by SE Solutions, LLC

Tips & Tricks in Revit Structure – Materials in Revit 2019

Betsy Werra / E.L.Werra Consulting, LLC
March 27, 2019
Session Details

Revit has improved the functionality of materials throughout the years by adding a new advanced material library with resolution textures, additional controls, and dramatic quality improvements to give a more realistic look to Revit structure models. In this SEU BIM Forum session, Betsy Werra of E.L.Werra Consulting, LLC, reviewed material properties, including how they affect Revit model elements and views, and demonstrated how to create and manage a material library. She discussed the process to edit, customize, and organize materials, and showed how materials are assigned to elements, as well as how the material affects the look of those elements depending on the set graphic display.

Session Length: 1.0 Hour

Current SE University subscribers can access the recording in their SEU Resource Center account. Please use the link below to view the session page in the SEU Session Library.