SEU, a program provided by SE Solutions, LLC

Camber – Design and Construction

Susan B. Burmeister, P.E., S2B Structural Consultants, PLLC
October 13, 2021
Session Details

Session Length:  1.5 Hours

Session Description:

Many structural design professionals take advantage of using steel beam camber to reduce the steel tonnage required for a floor design. Several articles have been published over the last 40 years providing guidelines for design with camber. As a result, many engineers simply adopt these guidelines with little reflection as to how the guidelines apply to their specific project. The goal of this presentation is to bring back the art to camber design by exploring in more depth some of the assumptions commonly used and when they may or may not be appropriate.

Learning Objectives:

Describe the physical process for inducing camber into a steel member so engineers have a better understanding of what they are requesting when they specify camber.

Discuss the historical guidelines for specifying camber, including when they may not be valid.

Discuss practical application of steel beam camber in design.

Current SE University subscribers can access the recording in their SEU Resource Center account. Please use the link below to view the session page in the SEU Session Library.