SEU, a program provided by SE Solutions, LLC

Increasing Efficiency with Revit Structure – Creating Construction Documents Using Revit Structure

Betsy Werra, EIT, SEU BIM Forum Instructor
October 27, 2010
Session Details

The seminar, the second in a series of BIM Forum sessions, featured Elizabeth “Betsy” Werra, who answered questions from subscribers related to creating construction documents using Revit Structure.

Topics included:

• Visibility Graphics and how to make the final output look like a good set of structural drawings
• Utilizing “live” schedules to improve productivity and accuracy
• Creating Dependent Plan Views
• Setting up Views and Sheets
• Creating Sections

Session Length: 1.0 hours

Current SE University subscribers can access the recording in their SEU Resource Center account. Please use the link below to view the session page in the SEU Session Library.