Refining Wind Load Approaches for Non-building Structures (12:30pm – 2:00pm Eastern)
In January 2024, Scott Walkowicz, PE, from Walkowicz Consulting Engineers, presented Tornado Shelter Design with Masonry. Scott nominated the Clayford T. Grimm, PE, scholarship fund
In December 2023, D. Matthew Stuart, PE, SE, PEng., F.ASCE, F.SEI, A.NAFE, from Partner Engineering and Science, Inc., presented Understanding and Avoiding Costly Repairs of
Have you recently visited the Steel Joist Institute website to see their available technical resources? From technical guides to design tools, SJI offers extensive content
Joists and joist girders can efficiently transfer diaphragm chord forces to shear walls and lateral frames, but the specifying professional must give due consideration to
If a building consists of bearing walls, shear walls, and braced frames, should the building be classified as a bearing wall system or a building
Parking structures require routine maintenance and inspection, and neglecting to follow a prescribed maintenance schedule can lead to a reduced service life and accelerated deterioration
In November 2023, Darrell Marchell, PE, from Vulcraft, and Tim Holtermann, PE, SE, from Canam Steel, on behalf of the Steel Joist Institute, presented Joists
In October 2023, Carol Drucker, SE, PE, from Drucker Zajdel Structural Engineers, Inc., presented Vertical Bracing. She selected Purdue University’s Robert L. and Terry L.
In September 2023, John Kennedy, SE, PE, from Structural Affiliates International, Inc., presented Rules of Thumb for Steel Design. He selected St. Jude Children’s Research
In August 2023, Kimberley Robinson, SE, from EVER Seismic, presented It’s Better to Bend than Break: Retrofit with Buckling Restrained Braces. She selected the YWCA
SEU is a program of SE Solutions, LLC. SE Solutions, LLC is not an educational institution, but rather provides continuing education to structural engineers.