Update to Wind Loads on Non-Building Structures (12:30pm – 2:00pm Eastern)
Evaluation and modification of joists may be required for many reasons: building renovations, field deviations, additional loads, and more. SJI’s Technical Digest No. 12 addresses how to evaluate existing joists and Joist Girders for changes to the original loads and then how to modify the joists and Joist Girders to adequately carry the required loading. This SEU session reviewed information from the technical digest, with examples of joists needing to be retrofitted. The discussion then moved to methods and examples of evaluating existing open web steel joists and Joist Girders for revised loading conditions. Finally, common options were presented for modifying these joists and Joist Girders.
Session Length: 1.5 Hours
Current SE University subscribers can access the recording in their SEU Resource Center account. Please use the link below to view the session page in the SEU Session Library.
SEU is a program of SE Solutions, LLC. SE Solutions, LLC is not an educational institution, but rather provides continuing education to structural engineers.