Update to Wind Loads on Non-Building Structures (12:30pm – 2:00pm Eastern)
1.5 PDHs / 0.2 IACET CEUs
Thermal Forces are always present, particularly in steel structures. Changes in temperature and poor structural detailing of members and systems can adversely affect individual members and entire buildings. During this SEU Session, Barry Arnold, PE, SE will provide engineers with a better understanding of the basic principle of how thermal forces are generated and effectively dissipated in a structure. Through examples and discussion, engineers will learn how damage and failures from thermal forces can be minimized through best practices during design and construction.
Learning Objectives:
Session Registration Emails will be sent on Monday, July 8th (Due to the 4th of July Holiday).
Session Handouts will be made available by Tuesday, July 9th.
Current SE University subscribers can access the recording in their SEU Resource Center account. Please use the link below to view the session page in the SEU Session Library.
SEU is a program of SE Solutions, LLC. SE Solutions, LLC is not an educational institution, but rather provides continuing education to structural engineers.