Update to Wind Loads on Non-Building Structures (12:30pm – 2:00pm Eastern)
This session will provide explanation and input to the most frequently asked questions in ASCE 7, with a focus on ASCE 7-16 and ASCE 7-22. Key topics include redundancy (ρ), R, C d and Ω o , irregularities, permitted seismic design methods, two-stage analysis, and the new multi-period response spectrum. Each topic will include references to lessons learned from past earthquakes, code provisions, suggestions to simplify, and sample problems.
Current SE University subscribers can access the recording in their SEU Resource Center account. Please use the link below to view the session page in the SEU Session Library.
SEU is a program of SE Solutions, LLC. SE Solutions, LLC is not an educational institution, but rather provides continuing education to structural engineers.