Update to Wind Loads on Non-Building Structures (12:30pm – 2:00pm Eastern)
Keynoting in Revit is probably one of the most underutilized tools in Revit. The Keynoting tool in Revit can be easily customized and allows elements to be tagged with any number and/or description note. Additional options are available for streamlining the process and saving time with keynote setup and modifications.
This SEU BIM Forum session covered all of the keynoting tools starting with the specification keynote library and the tags as they exist out-of-the-box. Information was provided on how to customize the notes as well as the keynote tag. In addition, attendees learned how keynotes can be used to associate a number or code and a corresponding specification or line of text to any element in a Revit model.
Session Length: 1.0 Hour
Current SE University subscribers can access the recording in their SEU Resource Center account. Please use the link below to view the session page in the SEU Session Library.
SEU is a program of SE Solutions, LLC. SE Solutions, LLC is not an educational institution, but rather provides continuing education to structural engineers.