In August 2024, SEU welcomed Mark Jarvinen, PE and Tom Tarcha, PE, from Simpson Strong-Tie, to present Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors into Cracked and Uncracked Masonry. Mark and Tom have designated Habitat for Humanity (https://www.habitat.org/) for our SEU Speaker Inspires donation for the month.
A proud supporter of Habitat for Humanity for more than two decades, Simpson Strong-Tie has been a national sponsor of Habitat for Humanity International since 2007, donating more than $2.5 million in cash and products. The contribution has helped support numerous Habitat houses across North America as well as U.S. and international programs. In addition, Simpson Strong-Tie employees have contributed hundreds of volunteer hours in building homes and training local Habitat affiliates along with joining the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Work Projects to repair and build homes affected by natural disasters.
Thank you, Mark and Tom, for helping structural engineers with your SEU session, and for your designation of Habitat for Humanity as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organization of the Month!
SEU began the SEU Speaker Inspires program in 2015 as a way to “pay it forward”, enabling our speakers to designate a charity/organization of their choice for SEU to make a donation to help improve our world.