SEU, a program provided by SE Solutions, LLC

“SEU Speaker Inspires” Organization of the Month: Children’s Hospital of Orange County

In April 2019, SE University welcomed Cathleen Jacinto, PE, SE, from FORSE Consulting to present Lintels for Masonry Walls.  Cathleen designated the Children’s Hospital of Orange County ( for the SEU Speaker Inspires donation of the month. Cathleen shared that she chose this organization because: “Children’s Hospital of Orange County is an amazing organization that […]

Benefits of Masonry Lintels

Masonry lintels have been used throughout history and have withstood the test of time in many instances.  Why is the masonry lintel such an efficient design compared to other available materials? You might think higher strength values can be achieved using other materials, however, masonry lintels built integral with the wall can produce robust and […]