SEU, a program provided by SE Solutions, LLC

Creating a Proper Analytical Model in Revit Structure

Betsy Werra, EIT, SEU BIM Forum Instructor
March 23, 2011
Session Details

This BIM Forum webinar focused on creating an accurate analytical model by using the tools available within Revit Structure to help streamline your design between Revit Structure and your analysis partner applications. You will get tips and techniques for structural analysis modeling covering such topics as: understanding the difference between the physical and analytical models, looking at the analytical views and display options, checking for unsupported members and any inconsistencies between the analytical and physical models, adjusting the analytical model elements (beam, walls, columns, and slabs), adding boundary conditions, and defining loads.

Session Length: 1.0 hour

Current SE University subscribers can access the recording in their SEU Resource Center account. Please use the link below to view the session page in the SEU Session Library.