SEU, a program provided by SE Solutions, LLC

Structural Engineer Magazine Articles: Creating a Software Error Reduction Plan for your Office

In 2009, Brian Quinn and I were approached about writing a technology column for Structural Engineer Magazine. After an article that featured a case study of a small company using BIM proactively, we decided we wanted to write a series of articles focused on how to reduce the risk of making errors while using Structural Engineering software. In our previous “lives” with RAM International and Bentley Systems, we saw situations where we felt engineers could have had better experiences with software, even as the programs were increasing in complexity.

After a few brainstorming sessions, we came up with a Software Error Reduction Plan (or SERP, for short). This plan focuses on 4 key steps:
Select a Champion
Educate your Engineers
Review and Create Processes and Procedures (1)
Review and Create Processes and Procedures (2)
Perform Internal Reviews of Models

If you have any questions about creating a SERP for your office, please let us know!